Best TDY Ever!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Come Fly With Me...

Well, I managed to make it in one piece to San Salvador. I started off at national airport did a quick layover in Georgia and even managed to make it in early down here. When I got off the plane I got first class service and got not one but a two person police escort through customs so I was able to fly through there pretty quick. The temperature was something I wasn't used to. At the airport the temp was 99 degrees. Thankfully as we made our way inland the temp went to around 90 degrees. Side note here...did you ever wonder what happened to those awesomely bad 80's songs? Well, I quickly found out that they have a home down here on 92.9. All that channel plays is bad 80's but I loved it.
The hotel and room I have are nice. They thankfully didn't cheap out on the cable as I have 70 some odd channels to pick from a lot of them being American shows some dubbed in spanish but most just have subtitles. As I was flipping through the channels last night I came across Los Simpons...yay!! It is too funny watching simpsons dubbed in Spanish. One of last nights episodes was when they went to England. Now my question is when they are dubbing over do the people speaking spanish do a british accent? It seemed like they were trying to have a more "proper" voice but I don't know if such accents exists. The only downside is internet connection is a whopping 14 bucks a day but I found out that the office I'm working at has internet connection as well as several down in the caf.
Anyway, enough ramblings for now. I have a few pictures to put up but I'm going to wait to upload as I have to do them from my computer. Hopefully tonight I'll have them up as well as how my first day went.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The use of commas would really help to strengthen the flow of your post. Also, no, there is no such thing as a British-Spanish accent. Nice try though!

10:24 AM  
Blogger Pick-Up Artist said...

Everything sounds great so far! Glad you have access to English language television but remember sometimes it is more entertaining to watch some chessy show dubbed in a foreign language. Case in point - 21 Jumpstreet dubbed in Czech Or were you too young for that show? :-)

11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG! OMG! OMG! No puedo creer que mi nina esta en El Salvador. Pues cuenta, ya estrenastes tu bikini? Espero fotos de tu viaje pronto!


1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. I have a British-Spanish accent.

2. 21 Jump Street is gay.

3. This blog needs pictures of short and horny San Salvador hombres.

8:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok... I agree with anonymous (although he/she can be annoying), where are the short horny Salvadorians. Please, whatever you do, don't come back with little salvadorians like Angelina and Brad!!!

7:52 AM  

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