Best TDY Ever!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Guten Tag!?

Well I made it to the UK with surprisingly few problems. Either Dulles finally got their act together or I went through the Bizzaro world Dulles because I got my ticket was through security in under a half hour. I looked for JD but he must have been riffling through my things down below. I landed at Heathrow ahead of schedule but got stuck in Customs forever (Note to self: Take the 6 o'clock flight not the one a half hour will save you a lot of grief.).

I was able to check into the hotel early which was nice. I had several moments of panic when I tried many ways to connect to the intenet without any luck. Thankfully I remembered my trusty Starbucks on Oxford that served me well last year for an internet connection. It's only two blocks away and it has some good people watching so I don't mind much. Of course when I went to log into blogspot I had another moment of panic. It was all in german...WTF? I briefing thought about having Josh on call for me 24/7 to translate but realized quickly that would be expensive (I love ya Josh but you're not worth the 5 pounds a minute call to the states : ) ) . After some playing around I finally was able to set the language and the world is in balance again.

Sorry this wasn't a terribly exciting post. I'm going to try and post everyday that I'm here so I'll try and make it more exciting. Until then, Cheers!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Panic over a lack of internet access? You're starting to sound like a little Cuban I know....I mean, it's only a week - don't you remember what you use to do before the internet??? So, is Starbucks coffee as expensive as it is over here? Probably more so. Anyway, I eagerly await another interesting pancake story.....

8:12 AM  
Blogger raine_days said...

Dear FFK,

I don't remember the ye olde days when the internet wasn't around since I've pretty much always had it but since we're taking a trip down memory lane could you tell me what it was like when the dinasour still roamed the earth?
You also might be waiting awhile for a pancake story as I've never done one of those but there might be an upcoming post on waffles in the UK.

3:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Crap! Pancakes, waffles, WHATEVER!!! Don't sharpshoot me, young lady - better respect your elders!! So....where is today's blog entry?? I need to hear about miracles happening...otherwise, we might get the idea you are just goofing off in jolly ol' England...

9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello! Just checking in to see if you have found the elusive meth waffles??? Please report back.

10:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would translate German for you any time of the day!!!

5:01 PM  
Blogger raine_days said...

Meth Princess,

I have found the elusive waffle but I'm unsure at this point if it is a meth waffle. I'm leaning towards it being one but I'll have to do some investigating and get back to you on that one. I hope to have my waffle report done by the end of the week.

2:44 AM  

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