Brought to you by the letter B
Being a little bored I figure I could give you a little culture/history lesson. One of the crafts that El Salvador is know for are these little things called sorpresas. They're tiny, detailed scenes and figures in little shells. The outside of the shell is usually designed as a fruit or vegetable. You lift up the top of it and inside is the a little scene usually of daily life in a village. Know I say usually because someone decided that it would be fun if the surprise is not of a daily scene but of a couple in the throes of sexual passion. Those sorpresas are known as picara sorpresas or sinful surprises. Below is a picture of one of them I got. It's a little fuzzy and sorry guys, it's not one of the picara ones.
What?! You can't go telling everybody about the picara and then just leave us without a picture. And what does "brought to you by the letter B" mean? Why not the letter "M," for "miracle" or "meth princess" or "m-ily?" Just a thought....
Meth Princess wants Picara!!!
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