Best TDY Ever!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Go Speed Racer!

After Botswana any TDY would be hard-pressed to live up to it's level of awesomeness but this past week's TDY to Dallas provided me with some excitement. Tuesday night we were coming back from dinner with the Italians and the local Dallas guys. I was driving with three others in the car on the Dallas Tollway when we noticed headlights coming directly at us. Not sure how I did it but we managed not to get hit head-on by the other car but the two cars glanced off each other on the passenger side. The other car then proceeded hit another car behind us before stopping. Thankfully no one was hurt, well the driver who hit us might have taken a face plant to the ground and gotten scraped up a bit but he had it coming to him. Oh, and no shocker here but the driver was completely drunk. Below is a photo of our car that bit the dust.

Lions and Tigers and Bears - Oh My!

Well, I didn't see any bears and come to think of it there weren't any tigers either but I did see some lions on my safari. The experience was amazing and haven't done anything like it my life before. Here a few of the photos I took while on the safari.

Wildebeest chillin' in the bush

View of the Modikwe Game Reserve from my Bungalow

Elephant looking for some lunch

One of the many giraffes that wandered the reserve

The oldest lion (15 yrs) in the park looking for some morning delight