Best TDY Ever!

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Three Wisemen and a Snowman????

I went shopping today...big surprise, right? Apparently there's a new religion that I wasn't aware of. It's a new branch of Christianity that believes that Frosty the Snowman was at the birth of Jesus. It's a little blurry below but you can see how Frosty fits right into the nativity scene. Maybe I should look into to this new theory and write a book on out Dan Brown 'cus here I come.

Zagat Survey of La Terraza

So this morning I was able to get a hold of the elusive waffle at breakfast. I almost thought for a minute they were going to waffle on me as I had ordered and it took almost 15 minutes to get it. Now I should have known something was going to wrong with it since when I went to order it the chef was making another waffle and the batter was the consistency of gum. He was literally pulling the batter across the waffle iron. When it finally arrived it looked a little off....really dry looking. I tried it anyway and practically choked on the dryness. I felt like Clark Griswold chewing on the dry Christmas turkey. I think they would be better off marketing the waffle as a frisbee. Anyway here's a photo of an El Salvadoran waffle in it's natural setting.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Field Trip!

Today was a pretty good day since I got to take a little field trip into the city to visit the DAN. DAN stands for the Division of Anti-Narcotics. Got the whole tour of the place which wasn't much but it was still fun to see. Even got to see the jail cells and the random coco plant that was growing. Although the plant supposedly didn't contain the properties needed to make cocaina...damn. Anyway, here's a picture of me and my "tour guides".

Monday, March 27, 2006

Brought to you by the letter B

Being a little bored I figure I could give you a little culture/history lesson. One of the crafts that El Salvador is know for are these little things called sorpresas. They're tiny, detailed scenes and figures in little shells. The outside of the shell is usually designed as a fruit or vegetable. You lift up the top of it and inside is the a little scene usually of daily life in a village. Know I say usually because someone decided that it would be fun if the surprise is not of a daily scene but of a couple in the throes of sexual passion. Those sorpresas are known as picara sorpresas or sinful surprises. Below is a picture of one of them I got. It's a little fuzzy and sorry guys, it's not one of the picara ones.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Diplomatic immunity...It's just been revoked.

First off can anyone name that movie? I love those lines. Now it really doesn't have with anything I'm going to post about there are random thoughts connected to it. The first more linear then the other. I realized awhile ago that there are two different types of license plates down here. The more common on is white with some light blue the other one is mustard yellow with black lettering. Chepe usually picks me up in a car with yellow plates. I had suspected that the yellow plates were diplomatic ones and my thoughts were confirmed on Friday when I finally asked someone. So on one hand it's kind of cool to be riding around with "diplomatic immunity" but on the other hand why not just attach a neon sign saying come get me?

Now on to my other random tangent, I think Judy found out that Pick-Up Artist and I were on to her and the CIA yanked her since her cover was blown. Last Tuesday when I went to grab lunch I ran into Gwen and Judy in line. Gwen and I saw each other first and both said hi but when Judy turned around she just looks at me with this bitchy face and turns back without even saying hi to me. Whatever. So I was wondering if she read my blog. You know with her being CIA and all I'm sure she could have found about it. And to add further proof that her cover was blown I didn't see her for the rest of the week but saw another person from the tour everyday after that. Now it would be one thing if I was going to the cafe at the same time but since I was busy last week I was grabbing lunch at odd times and running down just to grab it then go back up to the office. This time the CIA decided to play the nice card to see that would get me to open up but I was able to resist their techniques....for now...

Here Comes the Bride...

...While I kill the band. I've noticed since I've been here that the hotel is a popular spot to hold events to include weddings. Know usually I don't have a problem with this as they are usually fairly quiet but last night I did. For some random reason weddings are held around 8 o'clock followed by the reception all of this taking place outside. They started off annoying by playing a horrible wedding march rendition but got quiet around 10:30. I figured they were done but nooooo. The band cranked it up again and played until after 1 in the morning. It was bad enough where I called the front desk but of course they couldn't do anything. I mean if you can hear all of the words to a song with everything closed up it's a little loud. But apparently the Macarena is still popular down here.